Angela Person


Step Research

Introduction 00

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The Verification Report is designed to take a client through a process of verifying best-fit.  Please scroll down to the Psychological Verification Section for a more detailed description of how a client is to complete the verification process.


After the verification process is done, the client will receive reports for enhancing self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-development.

As with all reports, the above introduction can be changed as desired by the expert.

Verification 01

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Result and best-fit verification with psychological pattern consistency scores.

Verified Result

92% Accuracy
65 Vote Tally
Extraverted Intuition
Introverted Feeling

Angela's Vote Tally from Self-Discovery Activities

  • 1st Pattern 65
  • 2nd Pattern 56
  • 3rd Pattern 54
  • 4th Pattern 50
  • 5th Pattern 45
  • 6th Pattern 42
  • 7th Pattern 34
  • 8th Pattern 28
  • 9th Pattern 21
  • 10th Pattern 20
  • 11th Pattern 19
  • 12th Pattern 18
  • 13th Pattern 13
  • 14th Pattern 12
  • Viewing This Report 15th Pattern 10
  • 16th Pattern 9

Below are the instructions to allow Angela to complete verification and get access to additional reports.

What Angela's Vote Tally Means:

A Vote Tally is shown for each psychological pattern, often called a personality pattern or type. The Vote is tallied based on the consistency of choices during the self-discovery activity process. These vote tallies make it easier to help Angela identify and verify her likely best-fit. Using the analogy of an election, now that the first round of voting is done, Angela heads to a run-off election.

The Vote Tally shows you the current predictions for Angela's likely best-fit psychological pattern.

  • The higher the Vote Tally, the more likely a psychological pattern is a good fit and the lower the Vote Tally, the less likely it is to be a good fit.
  • No assessment, test, or other self-discovery process will ever be perfect with 100% accuracy.


Each person is unique, so during the verification process we are only trying to find the psychological pattern that is as close as possible to accurately describing you. This means that while each psychological pattern near the beginning of the list is going to sound a lot like you, it will also have a few things that don’t fit you. The goal is to find the psychological pattern that feels to you like the “closest” fit. There will never be a "perfect" fit.

A best-fit and verification process helps solve many of the problems with the accuracy of any self-discovery process. A best-fit and verification process is not only a necessary requirement for the ethical use of many assessments – it is also a great way to help make sure any advice provided will be as accurate and as meaningful as possible. For our reports, we combine each person’s verified psychological likely best-fit with all the data we have on that individual with other psychological models to provide the most personalized reports and advice we can.

Instructions To Unlock Additional Reports (takes approximately 15-30 minutes)

  1. Read your highest Vote Tally pattern
    - Read to review which parts of the report feel like a good fit for you and which do not fit you as well.
  2. Review your second highest Vote Tally pattern
    - Use the Verification sidebar on the right and click the button to change to your second psychological pattern.
    - Read the report based on this second psychological pattern and determine if it is a better fit than the first one.
  3. Compare against the third highest Vote Tally pattern
    - Use the Verification sidebar on the right and click the button to change to your third psychological pattern.
    - Review the report for this third psychological pattern.
  4. Confirm which pattern is the closest fit for you
    - Once you have viewed at least three different patterns you can Verify.
    - Go back to the Verification sidebar and click the "Ready To Confirm" button.
    - Select the pattern that was the closest fit and click CONFIRM PATTERN.
    - Use the slider to indicate how accurate the pattern is from 60%-99%.
    - Click SAVE PATTERN.
    - Click YES, SAVE to complete verification.

Bonus Points and Extra Gold Stars:
If you really want to understand yourself better and how you are different from other people then a great extra step you can take is to use the Verification bar to view the patterns with the lowest Vote Tally. Doing this gives you an opportunity to see how people really different from you see the world and feel about themselves. To paraphrase Roger Pearman "They are not crazy, they are just not you"!

Verification Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Katherine Hirsh © Step Research Corporation

Go-To Behaviors 02

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This section shows your top two Go-To behaviors based on Carl Jung’s Psychological Types.



This is where Angela likely starts when interacting with the world. The Primary or Dominant behavior.


Gain leverage using a framework.


Decide based on logically correct or incorrect and evaluate the best approach
Angela adds value in a group by focusing on:

• Logical fit and implications
• Reducing inefficiency
If the primary behavior is not enough then this is where Angela likely goes for answers next.


Explore the emerging patterns.


Look to the new and different ideas and explore many possibilities
Angela adds value in a group by focusing on:

• Brainstorming new ideas
• Discovering patterns and trends
Go-To Behaviors Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti Katherine Hirsh Dario Nardi © Step Research Corporation

Who Am I? 03

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A quick snapshot view into who a person is.

  • I am Independent
  • I am Theoretical
  • I am Logical
  • I am Curious

9 Things I Am Good At

I am good at...

  1. ...playing with ideas in my head
  2. ...thinking about possible solutions from every angle
  3. ...working independently
  4. ...weighing up the pros and cons
  5. ...respecting others' need for privacy
  6. ...thinking “outside the square”
  7. ...keeping calm in a crisis
  8. ...challenging myself
  9. ...analyzing and theorizing

6 Things That May Cause Me To Get Upset

I may get upset when...

  1. ...I'm being hurried for a solution
  2. confidence is under-valued
  3. ...nothing is interesting
  4. ...I’m forced into social situations that are uninteresting or too long
  5. ...people are sweating the small stuff
  6. ...I have to listen to trivial detail

The Top 7 Things I May Need Help With

I may need help with...

  1. ...communicating my thoughts simply and coherently
  2. ...being tactful
  3. ...accepting traditions that seem senseless
  4. ...being patient
  5. ...expressing empathy and concern
  6. ...working out my feelings and sharing them
  7. ...overcoming failures
Who Am I? Authors
Original work by: Sue Blair © Step Research Corporation

Cognitive Super Power 04

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This section describes your Superpower; your dominant, "go to" behavior that is so natural, fast, and easy to access, you may not even know you have or are using it.

The “superpower” described here is a distinctive personality quality that comes naturally to the person who has it, whereas it would take others a great deal of concerted effort to access the same sort of skill.  This Cognitive Super Power is a reflection of how their specific personality type can be leveraged when working with others to make a large contribution to the group.  This is based on Jungian dominant function.  It represents the preferred and typically strongest function of the individual at their best.
Super Analyzing

Super Analyzing

Angela’s Superpower

"I know how it fits together."
  • Compelled to help by making certain everything is accurate and logically consistent
  • Does everything in her power to ensure things are properly categorized, sorted, identified and labeled
  • Angela may sometimes be overly critical in an earnest attempt to help and make things better
  • She loves analyzing to uncover the one most perfect solution to a problem
  • Angela typically thinks all problems can and should be solved by logic and reasoning
Cognitive Super Power Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti Katherine Hirsh © Step Research Corporation

Essential Motivator 05

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Essential Motivators, your core psychological needs, values and talents as described by Linda Berens

What are your core psychological needs, values and talents? What needs are so essential to your existence that you will go to great lengths to get them met? Your core psychological needs and values have been with you from the beginning as well as the talents that help you scratch the itch that the needs create. This is the heart of who we are, so you will learn more about the essence of the roots of your personality as well as of those around you. This will open up a deep understanding of different perspectives, different talent agendas, and sources of conflict and stress. The Essential Motivators aspect of the Berens CORE™ lenses is grounded in the patterns David Keirsey called temperament and that were further differentiated and refined by Linda Berens.


Angela’s Essential Motivator

  • Angela prefers using her gifts of strategic analysis to approach all situations
  • She constantly examines the relationship of the means to the overall vision and goal
  • No stranger to complexity, theories, and models, Angela likes to think of all possible contingencies and develop multiple plans for handling them
  • She abstractly analyzes a situation and considers previously unthought-of possibilities
  • Researching, analyzing, searching for patterns, and developing hypotheses are quite likely to be Angela's natural modus operandi.






Lack of knowledge

Essential Motivator Authors
Original work by: Linda Berens © Step Research Corporation

Interaction Style 06

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How you tend to express yourself to others.

How do you tend to express yourself? How are you driven to interact with others? What is your natural energy and movement pattern? Your core Interaction Styles is the most easily observed aspect of your CORE since it is embodied in your communications and movements. The Berens Interaction Styles lens helps us establish rapport and greatly affects relationships of all kinds. Berens Interaction Styles is reflective of the long researched work on temperament in children as well as a deconstruction and reintegration of Social Styles and DiSC models.

Synthesizer - Behind-the-Scenes

Angela’s Interaction Style

I have faith that we can make it all work out in the end
  • Quiet
  • Agreeable
  • Friendly
  • Approachable
  • Unassuming
  • Accommodating
  • Conscientious
  • Patient


To get the needed or wanted results

To integrate and harmonize


Not enough input or credit
Pressed to decide too quickly

Interaction Style Authors
Original work by: Linda Berens © Step Research Corporation

Whole Type 07

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The type code embodies a simple presentation, it was meant to represent a whole personality pattern. We are more than the letters of the code or the sum of our preferences.

The personality type code devised by Isabel Myers can be a powerful tool for explaining individual differences.  And while the type code embodies a simple presentation, it was meant to represent a whole personality pattern.  We are more than the letters of the code or the sum of our preferences.  Once we realize that we are dynamic and constantly developing, we are freer to step outside our natural pattern, bridge communication gaps, and follow our natural instincts fo developing unexplored aspects of ourselves.

Designer Theorizer™

Angela’s Whole Type

  • Becoming an expert.
  • Seeing new patterns and elegant connections.
  • Talent for design and redesign.
  • Crossing the artificial boundaries of thought.
  • Activate the imagination.
  • Clarifying and defining.
  • Making discoveries.
  • Reflect on the process of thinking itself. Detach to analyze.
  • Struggle with attending to the physical world.

Designer Theorizer™ Snap Shot

  • Angela's theme is designing and configuring.
  • Angela's talents lie in grasping the underlying principles of something and defining its essential qualities.
  • She seeks to define precisely and bring coherence to systems based on the pattern of organization that is naturally there.
  • Angela easily notices inconsistencies.
  • She enjoys elegant theories and models for their own sake and for use in solving technical and human problems.
  • Interested in theorizing, analyzing, and learning, she thrives on exploring, understanding, and explaining how the world works.
Whole Type Authors
Original work by: Linda Berens Dario Nardi © Step Research Corporation